Friday, December 11, 2009

Success or Failure

Have you ever had someone sign up with your business and then wowza....they disappear. Well, I'm sure you have. We all have had this happen in our business.

So what in the world went wrong? Was it your fault? Did you do something or didn't do something? Well, first of all, don't blame yourself. As leaders of a team of distributors, a partnership is a two way street. Chances are, those that leave either didn't have a large enought WHY or just weren't willing to simply put forth the effort.

Whatever the reason, this is such a great time to relfect on what has happened in the past and what you want to create in the future. As the old year fades and the new year is upon us, it's important to start planning for the New Year NOW!

Remember, the future is up to you. The choice is yours! Success starts right here, right now. You have to be willing to learn, make mistakes, work hard and know that building a home business/network marketing business only works when you do.

Be willing to become a full time learner, build your belief and your mindset and know that something worth having requires hard work and determination.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Thursday, December 3, 2009

What is your mindset?

Are you willing to do what it takes to be successful in your home business? I mean really willing? So many times success depends on being open to new ideas and exploring avenues that maybe we didn't embrace from the get go. I know that was certainly true for me in my own experience.

But over the past few years, I have certainly learned a great deal about being open and not using the phrase....for my business, I'm willing to do......but not willing to.....

Setting limitations can certainly influence the success of your business and the growth. Yes, we all have certain limitations, but be open to whatever comes your way. And if it's not a fit for you, learn it, develop it and be willing to share it with your team. Even if it's not a concept you embrace, it might be one your team members do.

So, as we close 2009 and move towards 2010, think about what new ideas and changes you will embrace to reach your goals!

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard
What is your mindset?

Are you willing to do what it takes to be successful in your home business? I mean really willing? So many times success depends on being open to new ideas and exploring avenues that maybe we didn't embrace from the get go. I know that was certainly true for me in my own experience.

But over the past few years, I have certainly learned a great deal about being open and not using the phrase....for my business, I'm willing to do......but not willing to.....

Setting limitations can certainly influence the success of your business and the growth. Yes, we all have certain limitations, but be open to whatever comes your way. And if it's not a fit for you, learn it, develop it and be willing to share it with your team. Even if it's not a concept you embrace, it might be one your team members do.

So, as we close 2009 and move towards 2010, think about what new ideas and changes you will embrace to reach your goals!

Believe Success!

Lisa Willard
Little things done over and over again add up to making a difference in a big way.

Monday, November 16, 2009

MLM - are we telling the truth?

If you are or ever have been in the Network Marketing industry, are you painting the "true" picture? When I first entered the MLM industry, I did a great deal of research and knew that growing a successful home business would be work....hard work.

As you thumb through home business magazines, it's full of pictures of people with fancy cars, enormous homes and things that lead you to believe the MLM is the way to get rich quick. Well, it's not. This industry can certainly help you reach your goals and dreams, but it doesn't happen overnight.

It can provide you with $200 extra a month or it can replace a FT income or it can be your path to financial freedom. Whatever your dream is and everyone's is different, Network Marketing might just be what you are looking for. But make sure you are getting the facts and the "real" truth.

For me, it's never been about just the money. It was more about creating a business that was mine and being able to work it around my family. Sure, there's been challenges, obstacles and some rough times. But those are what have molded me into the person I am today. It's been a huge self development course and I'm not done yet. :)

I think it's important when you look at the MLM industry to know there's challenges and obstacles that stood in the way of every success story out there. But each time that person was knocked down, they got right back up.

So, be sure when you are talking about the MLM industry, you are telling the "real" truth. It's about sharing your dream, your achievements along with your mistakes and challenges.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Social Networking - The New Networking

Networking used to mean attending chamber of commerce meetings and trying to start conversations with strangers. These events still exist and are certainly useful get togethers. But today, much of the interaction is taking place online. Not only do you not have to leave your home to meet people, but you can narrow your search or create your "niche" to people who are more likely to be interested in your product and business.

According to a recent report by Forrester Research Inc. more than four out of five U.S. adults who go online use social media at least once a month. And it also indicated that the most rapid growth occurred among adults 35 and older.

Although networking has gone high tech, some things haven't changed. There are certain rules of etiquette that apply online as well as offline.

1. Don't use social networking to make a generic sales pitch to thousands of people.

2. Do start a dialog of conversation by sending updates that will be interested to people. Offer valuable information.

3. Don't use public forums for private messages.

4. Do ask people if they want to receive your FREE newsletter before you start sending it to them.

5. Never, ever post negative comments on other peoples blogs, profile pages or websites. You always want to be positive.

6. Don't rely on one group or one website for all your networking needs.

7. Be sure to read other people blogs, tweets, websites to keep up to date on industry changes as well as staying connected to like minded people.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Monday, November 9, 2009

"Make time" for your home business

When I first started looking into Network Marketing, one of the first questions asked to me was "how much spare time do you have?" My answer, " I don't have any spare time." And most of us don't have spare time. When I started my home business journey, my kids were ages 1,3 and 9 and I had a more than FT Corporate America job. So yes, my home business was something I had to make time for.

Whether you are devoting 5 hours per week or 40 hours per week to your business, make time! And do it consistently. Calendar in your time in each week. Plan ahead.

At the beginning of each week, it helps me to x off the "non negotiable" times. These are times when something is going on. It might include things such as church, kids activities, etc. These are time I know I can't work my business. So, I then schedule around those. That's certainly one of the advantages of a home business. Your hours can be flexible. Just make sure it's consistent.

Windshield time is great. I use commutes in the car for following up with leads, partners, etc. Or while I wait for my little girl at gymnasatics, I use that time to follow up with customers, prospects and team members. The point is you can squeeze in an hour here or an hour there if you are prepared.

Keep a planner. Know when company calls, conferences and events are scheduled. This will help you plan accordingly. If you are commiting x amount of time to your business, keep that commitment and it will pay off.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Did you know the Direct Selling Association reports show that the party plan home business segment
reports $7.2 BILLION in sales. And the primary benefit? Yes, immediate income!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Remember who your most important customers are, your 20 percent that create 80 percent of your income. And make sure you take good care of them.

Tips on choosing the Right Home Business

One of the most important aspects of earning a reliable income from home is making sure you have selected the right company for you. The Direct Selling Women's Alliance recommends you consider these steps when choosing your home business company.

1. Select a product you love and would be excited to share with others.

2. Don't rush the decision. Select a few favorites and research.

3. Inquire about training programs offered to new distributors.

4. Talk to distributors within the companies you are considering.

5. Be clear about all the start up cossts and ongoing sales requirements.

6. Learn about the company, their mission, vision, and track record.

7. Study the compensation plan to maximize your earning potential.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Monday, November 2, 2009

Growing a home business team

I just finished listening to one of our team coaching calls and as always, it got me to thinking and my wheels turning. As a home business owner and coach, my passion is growing a team of distributors. When a new member joins my team, it's really important to get them started on the right track. Here's a few highlights to start your new team members the "right" way.

1. Maximize the excitement. When someone first starts a new business, the excitement is huge and as their partner and coach help them plan the next few weeks to keep that excitement going. What's the best way to do that? Help them make some cash fast! My business has a retail end that allows you to make money day one. And when someone can make some extra money immediately, that is huge.

2. Keep in touch. You want to keep in touch with all of your team members. But you will want to have a plan for contacting your new people one on one at least for the first month. Get to know them. Know their goals. Know their dreams. Have fun!

3. Set up their monthly calendar. Help your new team member plan their first 30 days. Having a plan is one thing, but you must have action steps to go along with it. Whether it's planning home parties, or an open house, or simply sending out a "I have a new business" letter to friends and family, help your new partner plan those action steps.

4. Keep their goals in front. It's so important to have goals in this business. Write them down. Have your new team member share them. Once you have goals, plan your action steps accordingly.

5. Encourage Personal Development. This is so important. Personal development is a huge part to a successful home business. I have a great reading list for all of my new team members. It's so easy to let fear stop you in your business. The fear of rejection, the fear of failure, or even the fear of success. It's important to prepare your mind and to develop yourself into the leader you want to become.

6. Enjoy the journey of your growing team. This simply goes back to having fun! Some of my best friends have become the people I have met through my home business. And most of them live many miles away. It's important to laugh, smile and have fun with what you are doing!

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Keep your home business strong during economic turmoil

1. Apply the 80-20 to customers and products – This rules states that 80 percent of your business comes from 20 percent of your customers. And the 80-20 rule is now more important than ever. Remember, who your most important customers are. Offer them more for less and give them exceptional service. Think about how you acquired these customers and duplicate it. Where did these customers come from? How did you land them?

2. Keep the momentum. With the holidays around the corner, this is a great time to really get out there and keep your business going. If your running an advertising campaign, keep it going. If you enjoy networking, network even more. This time of year, people are looking for great gift ideas as well as extra money. Don’t you provide both?

3. Give special deals. Have a sale. Offer some unique specials. This is certainly a great way to reward your current customer base and expand it. Vamp up your referral program. Get creative!

4. Market, Market and market some more. There are so many different ways to market your business. And you can do so inexpensively. Business cards to social marketing to blogging are all ways to create awareness about your business and your products. The key is consistency.

5. Seek Corporate Clients. During this time of year, businesses are looking for unique employee and customer gifts. Targeting corporate clients is a great way to earn some great cash during the holiday season. Make a list of possible targets. Identify the people in charge and let them know what you have to offer. Remember, you are a problem solver. You never know where it will lead.

6. Get Creative! The holiday season can be stressful at times. Even during times when most people are set to a budget, you can be there to help. Make holiday shopping easy! Put together gift baskets. Have an array of different priced items. I know my product line goes from great stocking stuffers to Corporate Client gifts. You can spend $3 or you can spend $300. Find out your prospects needs and be willing to fill them.

7. Be your best. There really is not substitute for the basics. People will buy from you (or not) because of your reliability, your customer service and because of the relationship you have built.

8. Have fun. Running a home business is about having fun. And the people around you will see your passion shine through.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Direct Selling Success

When it comes to a successful Direct Selling Home business, there are keys to success.

1. Desire - You must have that burning desire. The desire that keeps you going, even when times are tough. I know there are nights, I literally just can't sleep becuase I'm so excited about what's going on in my home business and team. It's just one of those things that is hard to explain. You definitely know if you have it!

2. Hard work - You must be willing to take steps each week to reach your goals. Success doesn't happen over night and it sure doesn't happen without consistent effort. When you look at someone's success, you never see the obstacles or challenges they went through to reach their destination. You only see the "good stuff." But I promise you, there are bumps in the road for everyone.

3. Coachability - Are you coachable? Really, are you? Do you get on team calls, do you learn through articles, videos, books? How much time do you spend per week on training yourself and preparing you for your business. Direct Selling success is really a commitment of learning for a lifetime. I've been in this business for four years and I'm still learning! It's true, leaders are readers. So commit now, to opening your mind to learn from others.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Building your business during the holidays

As the holiday season approaches, it's time to start preparing your business now to get through the holidays. It's just a fact that we all get busier and if we aren't prepared and we haven't planned accordingly, some things just may slip through the cracks.

Here's 10 tips to help you grow your home business through this hoiday season.

1. Retail your product. Does your business have a retail outlet? Holiday season is perfect for retailing. Make sure people know your product(s) is available. Anything you can do to make the season a little less busy for someone is great. And retailing is a great way to get some fast cash during the holidays.

2. Offer specials or a coupon. Run some specials during the holiday season and post holiday too. It's a great way to strengthen your customer base. Or offer a coupon that can be used at the time specified.

3. Socialize at holiday gatherings. Just touch base with friends, family, and those people that you don't get to talk to as often as you like. Gather their contact information and just find out what is going on in their world. You might be amazed at what you find out.

4. Send out Thanksgiving cards vs. Christmas cards. This is a great way to remind people of your business and product. Place a coupon in the card for holiday shopping.

5. Block out your time now! Schedule time now for the activities of your business. Stick to your guns and do a little extra now, so your not so overwhelmed when the schedule of the holiday season becomes crazed.

6. Follow up, follow up and follow up. Set a face to face or a phone meeting. Get in contact with those you haven't contacted in a while. How can your business and your products fill a need for them now?

7. Refer a friend. Offer refer a friend incentives. Or what about punch cards? Buy xx and receive one free.

8. Give your product as a gift. I use my product(s) as gifts all the time. People love them and I have certainly added to my customer base as well as my team this way.

9. Start looking at the year ahead. What are you goals? What do you need to change from this past year? Keep pushing forward and those actions will shine through on into 2010.

10. Have Fun! A home business is meant to be fun and one you are passionate about. Let your passion shine through your actions.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Autoresponders- do they work?

Using an autoresponder in my home business has been key to my successful business. Autoresponders are just a great way to stay "in front" of my contacts. It allows me to build relationships on "autopilot." In a sense, it allows you to automate your follow up.

Yes, there is certainly a wrong way and right way to use an autoresponder. It doesn't take the place of picking up the phone and making that one on one contact. Instead, it helps you stay in front of your contacts until the time is "right." Or if you can't make that one on one contact immediately, it's a way to start building a relationship.

I actually have two FREE newsletters I offer through my autoresponder. One is directly related to my home business. It offers information specifically about my home business, my coaching and my team. The other is about Network Marketing in general. Both of these offer valuable information, tips and techniques and training and tools.

Just yesterday, I had a contact that I met online about 10 months ago email me (it was a reply from my autoresponder) and said she was ready to join my business. I had talked to her about 10 months ago and she signed up for one of my newsletters. So, for the last 10 months, there has been information "dripping" on her. And now, the time is right for her.

Building a list of contacts is vital to your business. So, explore it today and see what it can do for your home business.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The first steps to creating success in your home business

Starting a home business is a big step and a defining moment. So beginning the right way is certainly important. It can be overwhelming and it can be a little scary. But having a plan in place right from the beginning can help you create success from early on. These steps can be applied to any new home business or one that you started years ago. Sometimes its important to go back to the basics and reevaluate.

1. Decide how you want to build your business. My home business gives you different options on how to build your business. Retailing, fundraising and team building are different ways to make money. You don't have to work all three areas. You can work one area or a combination of two or three. It's up to you. Ask yourself - How do I see myself having fun in this business. For me, I love retailing and team building. Retailing is fast and it's instant cash. And can be very profitable. Team building is my passion. I love helping others, coaching and training and building a team with like minded people.

2. Ask yourself - Why am I starting this business? Maybe it's because of your family, your children. Maybe you want to contribute to your household income or you want to stay connected with the professional world while having the flexibility. Whatever the reason is, remember that and keep it in your mind at all times. And remember as time goes on, your reasons may change.

3. Work on your mindset. Know that there will be challenges and obstacles. Ask your sponsor/team partner for a reading list. There are so many books and DVD's that will help you become the person who will attract others. Commit to personal development and mindset development for 30 minutes each day. Mindset is one of the "secrets" to success.

4. Set your financial goals. What do you want to make your first 30 days? Your first 3 months? Your first 6 months? 1 year? Write these goals down and then get with your sponsor and put together an action plan to accomplish these goals. Make a plan, and then work that plan.

5. Get Connected and Stay Connected. Sign up for company calls, webinars, and conference calls. Attend company trainings. Most companies offer a variety of training. Get on those calls and stay connected. You can learn so much from others in your company.

6. Be your best customer. Be a product of the product. Know the features and benefits of your products. Be a source of information about your products.

In the beginning and as you move forward with your business, it's important to "design" your business. Having a plan in place will help you move forward and create success. Stay connected with your mentor and your team. And celebrate your success along the way.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Monday, September 21, 2009

Personal Development is Key

One of the main keys to a successful home business is YOU. Yes, believe it or not, it's YOU and the person you are becoming.

You attract who you are. Actively engaging in a personal development program is key to your success.

Become the person you want to be. So, how do you do this? Spend some time reading each day. Read within your industry. Michael Clouse has some great suggestions at Some of my favorites are Seven Prospecting Secrets as well as the Fifth Principle.

Spend some time reading outside of your industry too. How to Win Friends and Influence People, The Go-Giver, and Think and Grow Rich are a few of my recommendations.

Spend some time "listening" each day. Grab an audio. Jim Rohn, Randy Gage, and Suze Orman are just a few suggestions. It's important to focus on your life skills as well as the fundamental of your business. This includes, family, career, financial, spiritual, and health.

Ask yourself...where do I want to improve? Is it leadership, prospecting, dulication, or presentation? Whatever your answer is, find an audio or a book that will help you improve in that area. Apply what you learn month after month and then move on to the next area.

Commit to a personal development program and realize your success does depend on it.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Friday, September 18, 2009

Faking it until making it

When I first began to build a team of distributors I had a mental block. I wanted to help others succeed, but I hadn't yet succeeded myself. Did you feel the same way? Or maybe you are feeling "the feeling" right now.

You must realize that we all start somewhere and our profession isn't any different. Lawyers, doctors, teachers all spend years in college preparing. Home Business Owners aren't any different.

So, my advice is to don't let this stop you. Realize the most successful people and MLMers started at point A too. Rely on your sponsor, your mentor and your team in the beginning.

Focus on the activities that you haven't completely mastered. If there is something you just don't get,work on it, study it, and know it will become second nature eventually.

Study those and follow those who you want to be like. And know it's okay to go outside your organization to do that. I still study and follow all kinds of MLMers.

And know that success is different to different people. Small success leads to big success. Success might be contacing 5 friends or family members. Maybe it's selling $100 of retail or maybe it's completing your first blog post. These steps are all a huge part of your long term success. So, don't sell yourself short.

Helping others is a huge part of succeeding in this business. If you are genuinely interested in doing just that, your team will grow.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Direct Sales, MLM and Social Media

Most of you know, that when I began my "at home" business I focused more on the MLM/Network Marketing side of things vs.Direct Selling.

Growing a team, training, coaching has always been my passion. I really never considered myself a "party planner." But here lately, my company has really been focusing more on the "Direct Selling" side of things. And so far, I really like what I see. I mean let's face it. A large percentage of the people that I sponsor have an interest in retailing and making money right away.

My company is a "hybrid" mix of Retail/Direct sales with a MLM play plan that leads to long term residual income. Most party plan companies have monthly quotas, we do not. And our product line does create a 30-50% profit on retail sales. This is also a unique characteristic. And it's perfect retailers as well as someone who wants to build a passive, residual income.

So, how does Direct Sales, MLM and Social Media all tie together? It's simple. It must be used properly. And if it isn't, our industry is going to take a black eye. The MLM industry is already a little bruised. It just seems when you talk about MLM, Network Marketing you see the "get rick quick schemes" more and more.

Well, whether we consider ourselves MLMers or Direct Salers (I consider myself both), we must learn to use Social Media in the right way.

Social Media isn't going away. It is going to get bigger and bigger. So, start your education process today. Starting learning about relationship building, content sharing, and how to bring value to your audience. It's not about blasting your opportunity, your product or company. It's about relationships and bringing value!

I challege you to start today!

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


"True leaders don’t develop people’s belief in the leader; they develop a belief in the follower." by Randy Gage.

I read this quote by Randy Gage a few days ago. And it's so true. Leaders of course must develop a belief in themselves. And sometimes this is the hardest step. Some will step up and take on leadership roles instantly and some won't.

Ask yourself this question. What if your business leader/mentor left today? Would you leave too or are you prepared to carry on without him or her. You would have two choices - Either step up and take responsibility and decide to move forward or do nothing.

I urge you to take at look at yourself and your business. Are you the leader you want to be? If not, why is that? Start taking actions today to develop your leadership skills. Your success is up to you!

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Home Business Challenges - be prepared for them

In any home business, challenges and obstacles are going to arise. It’s just part of the journey and if we are prepared, it will be a bump in the road and nothing more.

So, let’s talk about those challenges so we are prepared when they come.

1. Distractions. Yes, they happen. It might be the phone ringing, the kids, or all the stuff in life that just happens. It’s true that life happens and can derail us from our actions. But think about the things that you can control. Have a specific plan each day and prioritize your daily goals. And commit to getting each one day, not matter what.

2. Disappointment. Sure, disappointment is going to happen from time to time. It might be a prospect that was excited to join and then didn’t. Or maybe you expected 15 people at a home party and only 2 showed up. Whatever the disappointment is, reflect on it for a few and then let it go. Don’t focus on it. Release it and move forward!

3. Delays. There are going to be delays in your business. You will set goals and you will come up short once in a while. Realize that is okay. And know that if you took the action steps necessary and you came up short, that goal is just around the corner. We are human and we are going to make mistakes. And sometimes things just don’t go the way they are planned. But it’s okay. If you plan to get it done today, then get it done. Don’t wait until tomorrow.

Remember, challenges and obstacles don’t mold us or our business. How we handle them does.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Master the Secrets of Success

Master the Secret of Success

When you operate a home business, there are some keys to creating success. Success just doesn’t happen. You don’t’ just find it, you don’t luck into it, and it certainly doesn’t happen overnight. Success is created and as a home business owner, you must define what success is to you.

So, what are the Secrets to Success?

1. The first one is being Consistent. Your actions have to remain consistent. You have to be willing to do what most won’t. Make a plan and then work your plan. And celebrate your results. I like to put a plan of action in place for 90 days. And at the end of 90 days, look at your results. What worked and what didn’t and then revise your plan from there.

2. The second one is being Persistent. Commit to your action plan and follow through with it no matter what. Keep your focus and don’t let anyone or anything get between you and your action steps. Yes, life will get in the way. There will be obstacles and challenges. But a set back is the first step to a comeback. If you get off track, get right back on and keep those blinders on.

3. Perform the RIGHT Actions. What I mean by this is checking email all day isn’t exactly productive. You must be completing action steps that are going to move you to your goal. Yes, email needs to be checked and answered, but make sure more time is spent on actions that will get you results. How many customer contacts are you going to make? How many new prospects are you going to call this week? How many follow up phone calls need to be made? How much time are you going to spend networking online this week? These are action steps that will help you design your business and move you closer to your goals.

I use this statement a great deal and I think it really sums it up.

“If you continue to do what you have always done, you will continue to get what you have always gotten.”

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A home business with options

I’ve been in the Network Marketing industry for the past 4 years. Two years ago I made a huge decision to leave the company I started with and go a different direction. I had to find a way to work “smarter” vs. harder. As a mom of three, a corporate America employee and a wife, my time was very limited in building a residual income. I took my business to the Internet and started learning all the ends and outs of being an Internet Marketer. It has allowed me to free up some time and still build a healthy residual income.

My company now has two simple product lines that are consumable, affordable and have a high profitability factor. This was important to me. I wanted a product that was easily understood and one that was affordable to the general population and one that was consumable. And it has worked great with my internet marketing strategy.

I came into this business as a recruiter/business builder. But not everyone enters the network marketing arena with this same mentality. In fact, more people get turned off by expensive auto ships and no option BUT recruiting. Our company has have a strong retail product that can be driven through parties and retail events if that is the path you choose to take.

So, whether you want to replace a full time income some day or you want to earn an extra $200 per month, it’s great to have options. Parties, fundraisers, craft shows, internet marketing are all a part of the network marketing arena. However, not every company gives you those options.

So, when you are looking for your “plan b” really look at your choices and see what’s out there. Everyone is different and people like to have options on different ways to work their business. Make sure your company has a “buffet” of ways to make money. When you discover your niche, it becomes your passion and will help move you forward.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Staying positive and goal oriented in a bad economy

During times like these, it’s important to keep your goals close and to keep your thoughts and mindset positive. Whether your searching for your plan B or you already have it in the works, don’t let the economy or anything else for that matter get in your way.

Fear is the main factor that prevents people from embracing their dreams and moving forward, even in hard economic times. Yes, we all have challenges and obstacles, but don’t let it prevent you from thinking clearly and going after what you want.

Set Goals. Hold yourself accountable. Know where it is you want to go and know where you have been. If you need an accountability partner, get one. I personally think we all need one. Specify completion dates. Break it into daily, weekly, and monthly goals so you can better measure your progress.

Be willing to work hard. Know that success comes with hard work. Study those that have accomplished what you want. Duplicate what you can and along the way you will find what works for you. There’s something to be learned from everyone around us.

Keep a healthy balance. This may have been my most difficult task. As an employee of Corporate America while running a home business and the mom of three busy children, I forgot to take time for other things. I’ve learned from the past few years that maintaining a healthy balance is important and a necessity. You have to run your business. Don’t let it run you!

BELIEVE Success!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tips for the home business beginner

With so much information out there today, sometimes it’s overwhelming for the “beginner” who is just starting out. So, here are some tips to help you get off to a “smart” start.

Be willing to train and learn. Put a big emphasis on training and learning and then follow this with implementing what you learn. So many focus on the small picture in the beginning – making sales, commissions, etc. This may be effective short term, but a long term successful business requires a steady and consistent action and training plan.

Always provide value to your audience. First, figure out who your target market is and then learn what their needs and wants are. Your target marketing isn’t “everyone.” Find your niche and concentrate on them. Observe, study and know your market and then deliver information that is valuable and help them along the way.

Don’t focus on the $$$$. Yes, this is what most beginners want to do in the beginning. And that’s natural. Instead focus on connecting, networking and building relationships with others. Simply apply and then share what you learn with your audience. Instant gratification by making a few bucks is easy. But long term connections with your communities will build a solid business.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Recession Proof Business

The economy, the loss of jobs, it seems every time you turn around, the news is filled with bad stuff. Is there any relief in sight?

The answer - YES!

Scent-Sations just launched an exciting new division and it promises
to be a Recession Proof business.

What is it? Our new Mineral Makeup Beauty Line!

Think about how many women wear makeup? If you are a man, how many women do you know who wear makeup. Think about your friends, family, the peole you come in contact with every day.

Now, for the big question - how many people have stopped or cut back
on their makeup usage because of the economy?

No one!

What if you had been the first distributor for Mary Kay in your area? Well, you can be the first for the Mia Bella Beauty Line.

Details are at -

If you are serious about a business of your own, now is a perfect

It's not get-rich quick, and it does action and commitment, but
what could be better than working for yourself?

Questions? Let's talk and design an action plan for you!

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Set a goal you believe in

Setting goals in your MLM business is so important. Actually, setting goals in any business or even in your personal life is important.

Setting a goal you believe in is equally important. A few years ago, my goal was $1,000 per month. I thought I could achieve that. I couldn't even imagine making more, even though I knew people were making $1 million per month. Well, that has all changed and so have my goals.

So, start with a comfortable goal and don't let anyone interfere with your goals. It's important to write them down so you know where you are headed and where you have been.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Monday, May 18, 2009

How to build a MLM team

TEAM stands for Together Everyone Achieves More. As a MLM Coach and Trainer, I am often asked How do you build a Network Marketing Team? My answer is simple. You must become a leader.

Leaders aren't born, they are developed. Did you know the average millionaire reads one book per month? It's true that Leaders are Readers. So commit to it and just do it.

Personal growth is key to your business growth. The two go hand in hand. Learn to commmunicate effectively and alway remember, it's not about you. It's about your prosects and your team members.

A partnership is a two way street. Your partners must be committed to their success. Work with those that are committed to their business and just not talking about it.

Build your organization in depth. Get to know those leaders that are further down in your organization.

Be available to your team. Answer the phone and pick up the phone! Be a conintuing source of information.

Make the commitment to yourself and your team. It will be worth it.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Leading forward with Change

The Network Marketing Industry is about connecting, sharing and creating choice in people’s lives. And as you look at the past several years, the industry has changed significantly. Hotel Meetings and in home meetings have evolved to websites, video streaming, autoresponders, and social marketing.

In other words, like any other business, if you want to keeping leading forward, you must be willing to welcome new ideas and new technology. Think about NeFlix. Their business concept gave customers what it wanted…..flexibility as well as convenience. And Netflix continues to change. They are spending millions of dollar to give their customers even more flexibility. The ability for their customer’s to download a movie vs. a DVD in the mail is providing more convenience and more options.

As Network Marketing professionals, we must be willing to do the same. Embrace new ideas, learn from the past and always be ready for change.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Thursday, May 7, 2009

MLM and a down economy

In the last several months, we have seen a multitude of events. People have lost jobs, wages have been cut and companies are declaring bankruptcy.

With this massive shift in our economy, what does it mean for the Network Marketing Industry? Well, if done correctly, 2009 could be the foundation for a new era in Network Marketing.

Here’s what I mean. Many people that relied on Corporate America and a “boss” are realizing the only person to rely on is the person in the mirror. Network Marketing is the answer for many millions of people. And many of these are people who had not thought of MLM as an option.

People, who want to protect their future and really want prosperity, are willing to take charge and take action.

So, as Network Marketing Professionals it’s important to realize that an extra $200, $500, $2000 per month is huge for people. And it’s crucial as we recruit to be honest. Yes, someone can earn an extra few hundred dollars in this industry, or they can earn a six figure income. And the training each individual receives needs to reflect their goals.

If someone truly wants to earn a six figure income, are they willing to put forth that type of effort and action?

It’s true, there are a lot of people who are going to come into our business and want to get rich and successful. But many of those are not willing to commit to the personal growth required to make those goals a reality

And that’s okay. This business can truly help people on many different levels. The ones who really get it, will step up, take action and let nothing stop them.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Monday, May 4, 2009

Social Marketing

Social Marketing has opened doors for my Network Marketers like never before. Sites such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and You Tube are allowing people to connect with each other and generate leads for their MLM Business.

As you begin putting yourself out there socially, there are a few tips you will want to remember.

1. Never, ever blast people about your business
2. Create value. Offer informative information.
3. Always publish a picture of yourself.
4. Use your name, your real name.
5. Always remain positive.
6. Never bash another company or anyone for that matter.
7. Be consistent.
8. Fill out the profile page completely.

Actions that you take offline can be done online as well. Social Marketing is like going to a party. You have to show up. It's about meeting people, gathering information and starting the relationship process.

Social Marketing is here to stay. And if you utilize it correctly, it will have a positive impact on your business.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How to Sponsor MLM Business Partners

As a Network Marketer, I used to struggle with the issue of how to sponsor business partners. I saw other people inside and outside of my company sponsoring 5, 10, 15 and even 20 people per month. And I wondered, how are they doing this? What makes this person so much better at this than me?

As I began to study and watch these people, I realized it comes down to one simple word – Value.

What value are you offering your prospect and potential business partners? When I first began in Network Marketing my mindset was……What’s in this for me? How can I benefit? Well, that was one of the first mistakes I made.

When you are talking with a prospect, what do you say? Are you really focusing on your prospect and helping them find solutions? This is all part of bringing value to the relationship you are building.

Do you say stuff like….”just sign up and I will build your business for you. You are at the right place at the right time and you will become wealthy overnight. It’s that simple.”

Or do you say…. “As your business partner, this is what you can expect from me. I will teach you everything you need to know about this business. Together, we will define your goals and put an action plan in place to help you reach your goals and I will be with you every step of the way.” Now, which mentor or coach would you really trust?

So, think about what you are offering to your potential partners. Are you creating value and showing your prospects why they should invest their time and money with you?

Building a business is about building relationships and it all starts with one little word – value.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Friday, April 17, 2009

Fail Forward!

Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success. Dale Carnegie

Posted via web from lisawillard's posterous

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

MLM in a soft economy

MLM in a soft economy? You bet! You can view MLM in an economic down turn in two ways.

You can either see it as an “extra” something to do and quit or you can seize the opportunity and take action.

The reality is the opportunity is the same for everyone. Just some run with it and some don’t.

Since, I‘ve been in this business, I have heard people say…….Yes, he was really lucky to start his business when he did. It was the perfect time.” Or “yes, she is just so lucky. She just lucked into her success.”

Well, honestly no one just lucks into anything. Success is earned. It’s about the commitment and willingness to see a job through.

It’s about focus, consistent action and about being willing to do what most won’t.

So, how will you react to the economy? It’s your choice.

My suggestion is get started today if you haven’t already. Put your blinders on and never look back.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Monday, April 13, 2009

Network Marketing Success Journey

At the beginning of the year, my husband and I made a commitment to live a healthier lifestyle. Some of the commitments we made included getting more rest, eating healthier and exercising regularly.

As parents of three kids, ages 4, 6 and 12, we of course live a fast paced lifestyle. And one of the harsh realities, heart disease and diabetes run in both of our families. So, a healthier life style is a must and certainly one we want to teach our children.

The past 3 ½ months have been fun, challenging and exciting all wrapped up in one. Together, we have celebrated achievements, worked through some hurdles and most of all we both feel so much better!

It’s been about small changes here and there. No, we didn’t change it over night. But by taking small steps and taking it one day at a time, we have been able to incorporate actions that have lead to healthier results.

This last week was the first week my exercise plan failed big time. It was an action packed week with activities, work and lots of other stuff. Yes, I’m making excuses. But as I focused on this last week, I thought about how the past 3 ½ months can relate to the Network Marketing Industry.

So many times, people want to see results NOW. Not 3 months or three years down the road. But in our industry, it does take time and it certainly takes commitment. Yes, life can get in the way. And we make mistakes. But if we embrace them and move forward, they are simply stepping stones.

When I think about what I like best about living healthier as well as the Network Marketing industry, it’s the same. I love the way it makes me feel. 97% of Network Marketers fail. So many fail to succeed. It’s just a great feeling to overcome hurdles, challenges and to help others along the way. It’s great knowing that I have overcome one of the biggest hurdles, myself and the fear of failing.

So, put on your walking shoes and know you can rise to the top too! It’s a journey and one that is worth taking.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Monday, April 6, 2009

Attraction Marketing

Several times each week I get a call or someone leaves me a message about joining their business.

Now, there are certainly right ways and the not so good ways to contact people.

I will give you a quick example. Recently, a woman called me that met me at a large trade show that I was present at. We connected that weekend and had some good talks and of course exchanged information.

So, she called to follow up to see if I might be open to the possibility of looking at another network marketing company.

Is this way of marketing yourself okay? Sure, it is. Is it the way I like to do business? Not really. I believe in marketing myself in such a way that people come to and find me through the Internet, advertising or even locally.

Another example – I receive messages every week about someone inquiring about my business. The message on my answering machine is usually something of this nature – “I read about your business online and I would like some more information.” So, of course I follow up. But then I found out, they want to sell me on their business.

I certainly do not agree with this type of marketing technique. It’s just not a straight forward approach. And I believe in being straight forward and honest from the beginning.

One of the biggest mistakes network marketers make is telling people how great their business or product is. And they do not spend enough time telling how it can make a difference in their life and how together it can be achieved.

Wouldn’t you rather be the hunted instead of the hunter?

The best thing is, you can achieve this for yourself. The techniques of Attraction marketing can be taught and it can help you begin your online business success.

Networking online and building a network marketing business online does work. Don’t let anyone tell you it won’t. I am proof that it works. You have to be willing to work it and it will work for you!

Are you ready to learn the step by step process of building a business online?

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Monday, March 9, 2009

Do you procrastinate?

Do you procrasinate and just put things off until the last minute?

If so, this can be so harmful to your personal life as well as your business life.

I came across this video from the "Network Marketing Magazine" and it provides a four simple step process to end your procastination NOW.

Learn to enjoy your results and stop procrasination.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Friday, March 6, 2009

New Product and a new look

Are you trying to decide when is the right time to begin designing your future? Are you ready to take control and start your home business?

Well, I'm here to tell you, there's not better time than RIGHT NOW!

Mia Bella Candles/Scent-sations introduced two new candle lines, and changed the look/label on their best selling candles!

See more on the new products by going to -

Here, you will see the new jar and label; the new Signature Scents line and the amazing Spa Sations line!

Take a peak here......

New Jar and Label -

Signature Scents -

Spa Sations Line -

I welcome your feedback and look forward to your comments.

Questions? Email or call me and let's chat!

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Attraction Marketers Manifesto

Yesterday was the first day to read Ann Seig’s Attraction Marketers Manifesto. This is her latest special report.

The 75 page report is once again full of great information. And it’s’ FREE info. Some of the
toughest questions about building a MLM business online and getting prospects to come to you are answered.

It fills in the blanks about so many things. It’s a quick read and if you haven’t downloaded it yet, do it right now.

Share the report with your downline, upline, cross line and any serious network marketers you know.

It’s worth the time and I promise there is information in there that will help you today!

You can get your free copy here.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Monday, February 23, 2009

How to generate Network Marketing Leads

Recently, our WAHM team has been discussing the different ways to generate leads. And it’s been amazing to put all the different ideas down on paper. There are so many different avenues to think about.

So how do you generate leads? Good question. As most of you know, my passion is internet marketing. My first company was built with warm market notification. But as my business progressed, I knew I needed to learn to work “smarter” not “harder.” That is what led me to the Internet. I love to write and I love to socialize online. But Internet Marketing does take patience.

One of the most important things to know is it doesn’t happen over night. It takes time, consistency and focus. Allow yourself 2-5 years to really develop a “solid” presence online.

As I mentioned I love to write, so writing articles, blogging, and social networking through sites such as Facebook, My Space, and Twitter are my passion and what I truly enjoy.

Now, let’s just mention a few other methods of generating leads. I still believe in notifying your warm market. Let your family and friends know about your business. If you don’t tell them about it, someone else will.

Advertising online and offline are traditional methods that work. PPC advertising as well as Search Engine Optimization are other avenues to think about. And what about joining business networking groups such as your local chamber, Kiwanis Club, etc.

These are all ideas that do work, so do not underestimate the power of any of these.

Once again, it’s important to remain focused and consistent. Building a Network Marketing Team is hard work, but the residual income that comes from it is so worth it. So, stick with it and keep moving forward and your team will continue to grow!

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Monday, February 9, 2009

Creating Synergy in your Network Marketing Team

Let’s talk about Creating Synergy On Your Team.

Let's face it, Network Marketing is a volunteer business and no one has to do
it, right?

So you want to inspire people as much as possible and give people a reason to join you and take action. So having fun along the way is a good idea. I have made some of my best friends while in this business.

One of the first things you want to do is get to company events. If you aren’t there, chances are your team members won’t be there either. And have fun and create some excitement while you are there.

Your group may be small when you first begin. That is okay. Trust me, in time it will grow. Plan a special lunch or a special dinner just for your group. Let people know this early, so they can plan ahead and join you. And remember, it’s not all about business. Spend time getting to know each other. Get to know their families, their children. Be a friend, not just a business partner. I

Second, give recognition. People like to be recognized. Even small success is important. After all, it’s the small things that lead to big things. Watch your business reports and keep track of those who are growing.

Send a quick email, pick up the phone. Congratulate those who are taking action and seeing the results. These small gestures will be remembered and appreciated by your team.

Have fun with your team and you will be amazed as to what will turn up!

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Reasons to start a home business

Reasons to start a home MLM Business

Three years ago, when I started looking into a home business, it was for supplemental income. I had a Corporate America job that paid well, I enjoyed it and was rather content.

But I thought an extra $500-$1000 per month of “play” money would really help our family. So, I started exploring my options. And about six months later, I joined my first network marketing company.

And three years later, I’m not only enjoying a really nice supplemental income; I’m working towards replacing a Corporate America income.

The road hasn’t always been easy. Balancing a FT job, three children, a husband and a PT MLM business is challenging. But it is worth it. When I’m asked why I do it? I want FREEDOM. I want time freedom, financial freedom and the ability to “own” my time. Now, someone else owns me 40+ hours per week.

Have you ever thought about starting a home business? If so, what are your reasons? Is it…

1. Set your own hours
2. Supplemental income
3. Replacement income
4. Financial freedom
5. Be your own boss
6. Fire your boss
7. Tax benefits

There are so many different reasons to start a home MLM business. And there’s not better time than NOW. If you want to read more about the MLM industry, feel free to visit my website at

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Network Marketing vs. Corporate America

This past week, I was in Tucson, AZ with my Corporate America job. Yes, I'm a network marketer who is working towards a life of freedom while maintaining my Corporate status.

Although I enjoy my Corporate America position,(actually what I love about my position is the other people I get to associate with and network with. Maybe that's why my true passion is network marketing) my passion is network marketing and empowering others to design their future.

As I sat through meetings and social events with other Key Account Managers this past week, it was a true eye opener. I talked with so many veterans of this industry. Many of them have been in the industry for 20, 25, 30, 35 years. And each of them spoke about the times we are facing. Two industry leaders didn't make it because the week before they were laid off. And a third one, who was there just went through structural organization and he is not sure about his future as well. And once again, these are leaders who have been in the Corporate world for 25 plus years.

As I listened, talked and networked, I was thankful for the path I have chosen. Although I do not have complete control over my Corporate America path, I know that I do have control over my Network Marketing journey. I have chosen to design my future and to take control of it.

So, my question to you is....What are you doing to prepare for the future? Are you designing your future? Or are you letting your future design you? What is holding you back?

With so many lay offs, corporate reorganizations, and downsizing, people are looking for the network marketing industry. This is an exceptional time to take hold of what we have and empower others to gain control over their future.

People are looking for help. Be the one who gives it!

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Am I a failure as a MLM Leader?

The past couple of weeks our team has been discussing how to motive and push your team forward. Do you find yourself asking the question, “What is wrong with me?” “Why isn’t my team taking action and moving forward?” “Am I failing as a leader?”

I have blogged about inspiring vs. motivating before. And bottom line, being motivated is something that comes within. Yes, as team leaders, we may be able to motivate someone short term. But long term, no way.

The fact is many people you will sponsor may not ever take one action step. Some will be customers, some will quit and a few will run with it. So, you have to be careful about being bogged down with people that just do not commit.

There are people out there looking for you. People that will commit, take action and move forward.

One of my first steps I include to my new partners is a coaching form. I ask each new partner to fill it out and email it back to me asap. Do you think everyone fills it out and sends it back? Of course not. But, most that have, are the ones that continue to move forward, take action and to grow their business.

So, don’t beat yourself up and feel that you are doing something wrong. If someone isn’t taking action, you can still be there for them. Answer their questions, include them on your email list. But don’t feel like you have failed as a leader. You haven’t. You have to be careful to not get bogged down because you don’t want to miss those who are “searching” for YOU. They are out there, just waiting for you.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Monday, January 12, 2009

Overcoming Network Marketing Obstacles

My 12 year old son is a sports fanatic. Instead of watching movies, cartoons or anything else, when he sits down and turns the television on, ESPN is the first thing that comes on. And he loves it all. From baseball, to Nascar, to basketball to football, he can carry on an adult conversation about the rules, the regulations, the players and how each of these teams are performing.

And to top it off, he loves to play sports. And although he’s not a real big guy, he doesn’t let his size stop him from excelling. He uses his strengths such as his speed and his smart decisions to his advantage.

Two years ago he decided he wanted to take his baseball game to another level. One of his goals is to play sports some day at the college level (at the very minimum). And with his size, he figures baseball might be his ticket. We live in a very small, rural community in Oklahoma and he has participated in our summer league program since he was four.

Hanging with his friends was always fun, but he always had a burning desire to get better. Competitive by nature, he wanted to learn, improve his game and meet new challenges. So, when he expressed an interest of finding a more competitive league, I knew as a parent, I had to do my part. He was willing to step out of his comfort zone and go 8 other boys who shared his passion.

To sum it up, two years later, he is playing with one of the top teams in the country. His first spring and summer he played with a AA team and was quite successful and the following fall he was “recruited” by a “major” coach. Yes, at the age of 11 he was recruited.

The biggest change for him, he is no longer the big fish in a small pond. His teammates are equally as good, some are better, but it has pushed him to improve and shown him if you want to succeed, it takes commitment, focus and consistent hard work.

And he met some obstacles along the way. His majors team is made up of players from all over our state. Our practices are about 100 miles from our home town. So, there is sacrifice from all sides. And we travel to many states from March to the end of July to find other teams to compete with.

And yes, when he decided to step outside of the box, there was ridicule, some hard feelings and many who said we were crazy. His friends didn’t understand and gave him a hard time. Parents didn’t understand why he wasn’t playing with the local summer league team. Even family members just “didn’t get it” and some still don’t.

As a parent, it has been one of the best decisions we have ever made. My 12 year old son has made some life long friends. Some of his “best” friends are his baseball bros. He has learned how to win gracefully and lose with dignity. He has learned that success doesn’t’ always come easy. He has learned that being coachable and teachable is one of the keys to success. And the time we have spent as a family traveling to and from practice, to and from games has brought our family closer.

So, what does this have to do with Network Marketing? The journey is so similar. People will ridicule you. People will think you are making a mistake. Challenges will occur and obstacles will be placed in front of you.

But your focus, and your desire to succeed will allow you to over come those. Don’t let anyone stand in your way or steal your dreams. When the road gets tough, surround yourself with like-minded people and those that understand your desire.

If a 12 year old can do it, so can you!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Be a Network Marketing Magnet

I mentioned in my last blog that I was currently reading the Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann. I haven’t always been an advocate of self development. And I sure wish I would have listened to how important it is when I first began my Network Marketing journey. Lots of frustration and hard times could have been avoided.

This year, I have increased my commitment to this part of my life. Self development has always been a weekly activity. This year, it’s a daily activity. And yes, it might just be 5 minutes, but I have made the commitment because it such an important part of not only my business, but my personal and social life.

I find myself applying so many of the things I have learned every single day. And it has made a difference in my marriage, my role as a mother and friend. It really has transformed my way of thinking and acting.

The last chapter I read in the Go-Giver talked about putting others first. Yes, we have all heard it before. But I want you to really think about it. Put other people’s interests first and your interests will be taken care of. The network marketing industry is about helping people and helping achieve what they want.

And as you begin to do this on a day to day basis, you will begin to grow a network –a network of people. Yes, many of these people will never buy from you or join you, but that is okay. But by serving others, you will become a magnet and attract those that are looking for you and your help.

Think about your current mentors in this industry. What attracted them to you? Didn’t they have a “magnetic” affect on you? Their willingness to help, share and to put you first, just pulled you in and made you hungry for their knowledge. Were they magnetizing? Yes, the people who have succeeded in this industry really are magnetic.

So, begin your magnetic process today! Put other’s interest first and see what happens.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Laws of Stratospheric Success

I’ve been reading the Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann. The book discusses “The Laws of Stratospheric Success.”

As a home business owner and coach, the book has just opened my eyes even more about the Network Marketing Industry and it’s worth to so many people. The book discusses the laws of stratospheric success.

The first law – “Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.” But doing that doesn’t necessarily mean that the payment you receive will increase. The first law determines how valuable you are. It’s the second law that determines how much you actually earn.

So, what is the second law? It is, “Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them.” Or to put it another way, your compensation is directly in proportion to how many lives you touch. And the best part is you are in control. If you want more success, simply find more people to serve. It’s quite simple when you look at it in these terms.

Three years ago, when I began my network marketing career, people would ask me about my business. I would tell them about the company, the products, etc. I really was missing the entire boat.

Now, my reply is much different. It’s simple, I’m in the business of helping people improve their lives. After all, our industry is all about adding value and helping others. Most people turn to our industry when a change is needed. Maybe they want out of Corporate America. Maybe they need supplement income. Maybe they are looking for a life change – freedom!

How many people are you going to serve today?

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Friday, January 2, 2009

3 Distinct stages in your MLM business

We all have different products in each of our Network Marketing businesses. But, we all have one thing in common. Our REAL product is people. We must learn to deal with people and learn how to serve them.

Dave Calvert, one of my MLM mentors defines three distinct stages to this business. And how you perform in these areas will ultimately determine your success. I have used Dave’s stages and paraphrased each stage to help you better understand each of them.

Stage 1 - Personal development. We have talked about it before, but it truly is key to success in the MLM industry. It’s an ongoing daily process. One of the first things this industry taught me is there really is a powerful and positive way to look at every day life. I always thought I was a positive person and didn’t realize the negative thoughts I did have each day. The reality is with this industry, you do have the opportunity to have a life full of freedom, financially and personally. Each year, I have a budget set aside for self improvement. It’s a huge part of my life and business. And it should be yours too!

Stage 2 – Mastering Lead Generation. This is so vital to your MLM business. And it’s one that so many people just don’t get. Most MLM distributors expose their business to far too few people. You really need to learn about lead generation and be prepared to educate yourself how to generate your own leads. And this can be done offline, online or a combination of the two.

Stage 3 - Mastering distributor training and development. The real money in this business isn’t from sponsoring people, but keeping them and helping them move forward in their business.

Many distributors think once they sponsor someone their job is over. In reality, the work is just beginning. Get a game plan for each person, work closely with them and help them move forward.

Help your distributor establish their WHY. Why they are here and wanting their own business. Help them put together an “I’m in business” letter. Help them follow up with 10 of their top prospects. Bottom line is help them put together action steps to help them move forward. And this action plan should be duplicatable, so it can be passed down within your organization.

And if someone joins and then doesn’t take any of the recommended action steps, you must learn to accept it. One of the biggest mistakes I made early on in my Network Marketing career was pulling people along with me. I wanted their business to be a success more than they did. I was doing all the work. In the end, it was a total waste of time and energy. We all know when someone signs up with you, there is no guarantee they will make an effort.

As long as you have done everything you can do to help that person move forward, it helps you to not blame yourself. You can assist, help, and inspire others. But you can’t build it for them.