Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Autoresponders- do they work?

Using an autoresponder in my home business has been key to my successful business. Autoresponders are just a great way to stay "in front" of my contacts. It allows me to build relationships on "autopilot." In a sense, it allows you to automate your follow up.

Yes, there is certainly a wrong way and right way to use an autoresponder. It doesn't take the place of picking up the phone and making that one on one contact. Instead, it helps you stay in front of your contacts until the time is "right." Or if you can't make that one on one contact immediately, it's a way to start building a relationship.

I actually have two FREE newsletters I offer through my autoresponder. One is directly related to my home business. It offers information specifically about my home business, my coaching and my team. The other is about Network Marketing in general. Both of these offer valuable information, tips and techniques and training and tools.

Just yesterday, I had a contact that I met online about 10 months ago email me (it was a reply from my autoresponder) and said she was ready to join my business. I had talked to her about 10 months ago and she signed up for one of my newsletters. So, for the last 10 months, there has been information "dripping" on her. And now, the time is right for her.

Building a list of contacts is vital to your business. So, explore it today and see what it can do for your home business.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

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