Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Internet Marketing - How to Get Started

Internet Marketing. How do you get started?

Using the Internet to grow you MLM business is potentially huge. But, where do you start? Below are a few basic steps to help you get started.

1. Create a Lead Capture Page or take it a step further and develop a personal website. Capture these leads so you can build a prospects list.

2. Begin a marketing campaign. Start with one or two of the common Internet marketing locations. You can begin at Social Marketing sites, message boards, web advertising, etc.

3. Always lead with value. Never pitch or sell.

4. Monetize. Look for ways to generate cash-flow. Offer e-books, affiliate programs, calling scripts or anything that your prospect would want.

5. Keep yourself in front of your prospects By providing value through emails and newsletters, your prospects will look forward to your information. And pick up the phone. Don’t leave the phone out of the equation. The Internet can leverage your time, but it shouldn’t take the place of personal phone contact. And remember, if someone doesn’t join you today, their situation may change in the future. Be the one they turn to.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

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