Thursday, July 3, 2008

Use Social Networking to build your home business

Social Networking sites are the craze right now. But can you really use them to build your Network Marketing business? Yes, you can. Here are a few things to remember when connecting on Social Networking sites.

Pick 3-5 social networking sites. Learn which ones are right for you and then be focused and stay consistent. Squidoo, Hubpages, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and Linkedin are examples of social networking sites.

Take action daily. In order to be successful in social networking you must be consistent. Take the time to offer quality content and allow others to contact you and leave comments.

It takes time. Remember to be patient. As with any aspect of your business, it won’t happen overnight. Remember to build quality relationships and nurture those along the way.

Make friends. Take the time to get to know them and work your way up to a large number of friends.

Join groups. Contribute to these groups. Bring real value and you will stand out among the rest.

Don’t sell, sell, sell. Instead offer advice, and lend an ear. Be sincere and form friendships.

Always be positive. Be upbeat and never post your mood as angry, mad, sleepy.

Remember, social networking can be used to build your business, if you approach it the right way.

BELIEVE Success!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen to all you posted here, I'm going to share with my Affordable Mineral Makeup™ reps!
Tara :)