Monday, November 16, 2009

MLM - are we telling the truth?

If you are or ever have been in the Network Marketing industry, are you painting the "true" picture? When I first entered the MLM industry, I did a great deal of research and knew that growing a successful home business would be work....hard work.

As you thumb through home business magazines, it's full of pictures of people with fancy cars, enormous homes and things that lead you to believe the MLM is the way to get rich quick. Well, it's not. This industry can certainly help you reach your goals and dreams, but it doesn't happen overnight.

It can provide you with $200 extra a month or it can replace a FT income or it can be your path to financial freedom. Whatever your dream is and everyone's is different, Network Marketing might just be what you are looking for. But make sure you are getting the facts and the "real" truth.

For me, it's never been about just the money. It was more about creating a business that was mine and being able to work it around my family. Sure, there's been challenges, obstacles and some rough times. But those are what have molded me into the person I am today. It's been a huge self development course and I'm not done yet. :)

I think it's important when you look at the MLM industry to know there's challenges and obstacles that stood in the way of every success story out there. But each time that person was knocked down, they got right back up.

So, be sure when you are talking about the MLM industry, you are telling the "real" truth. It's about sharing your dream, your achievements along with your mistakes and challenges.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Social Networking - The New Networking

Networking used to mean attending chamber of commerce meetings and trying to start conversations with strangers. These events still exist and are certainly useful get togethers. But today, much of the interaction is taking place online. Not only do you not have to leave your home to meet people, but you can narrow your search or create your "niche" to people who are more likely to be interested in your product and business.

According to a recent report by Forrester Research Inc. more than four out of five U.S. adults who go online use social media at least once a month. And it also indicated that the most rapid growth occurred among adults 35 and older.

Although networking has gone high tech, some things haven't changed. There are certain rules of etiquette that apply online as well as offline.

1. Don't use social networking to make a generic sales pitch to thousands of people.

2. Do start a dialog of conversation by sending updates that will be interested to people. Offer valuable information.

3. Don't use public forums for private messages.

4. Do ask people if they want to receive your FREE newsletter before you start sending it to them.

5. Never, ever post negative comments on other peoples blogs, profile pages or websites. You always want to be positive.

6. Don't rely on one group or one website for all your networking needs.

7. Be sure to read other people blogs, tweets, websites to keep up to date on industry changes as well as staying connected to like minded people.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Monday, November 9, 2009

"Make time" for your home business

When I first started looking into Network Marketing, one of the first questions asked to me was "how much spare time do you have?" My answer, " I don't have any spare time." And most of us don't have spare time. When I started my home business journey, my kids were ages 1,3 and 9 and I had a more than FT Corporate America job. So yes, my home business was something I had to make time for.

Whether you are devoting 5 hours per week or 40 hours per week to your business, make time! And do it consistently. Calendar in your time in each week. Plan ahead.

At the beginning of each week, it helps me to x off the "non negotiable" times. These are times when something is going on. It might include things such as church, kids activities, etc. These are time I know I can't work my business. So, I then schedule around those. That's certainly one of the advantages of a home business. Your hours can be flexible. Just make sure it's consistent.

Windshield time is great. I use commutes in the car for following up with leads, partners, etc. Or while I wait for my little girl at gymnasatics, I use that time to follow up with customers, prospects and team members. The point is you can squeeze in an hour here or an hour there if you are prepared.

Keep a planner. Know when company calls, conferences and events are scheduled. This will help you plan accordingly. If you are commiting x amount of time to your business, keep that commitment and it will pay off.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Did you know the Direct Selling Association reports show that the party plan home business segment
reports $7.2 BILLION in sales. And the primary benefit? Yes, immediate income!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Remember who your most important customers are, your 20 percent that create 80 percent of your income. And make sure you take good care of them.

Tips on choosing the Right Home Business

One of the most important aspects of earning a reliable income from home is making sure you have selected the right company for you. The Direct Selling Women's Alliance recommends you consider these steps when choosing your home business company.

1. Select a product you love and would be excited to share with others.

2. Don't rush the decision. Select a few favorites and research.

3. Inquire about training programs offered to new distributors.

4. Talk to distributors within the companies you are considering.

5. Be clear about all the start up cossts and ongoing sales requirements.

6. Learn about the company, their mission, vision, and track record.

7. Study the compensation plan to maximize your earning potential.

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard

Monday, November 2, 2009

Growing a home business team

I just finished listening to one of our team coaching calls and as always, it got me to thinking and my wheels turning. As a home business owner and coach, my passion is growing a team of distributors. When a new member joins my team, it's really important to get them started on the right track. Here's a few highlights to start your new team members the "right" way.

1. Maximize the excitement. When someone first starts a new business, the excitement is huge and as their partner and coach help them plan the next few weeks to keep that excitement going. What's the best way to do that? Help them make some cash fast! My business has a retail end that allows you to make money day one. And when someone can make some extra money immediately, that is huge.

2. Keep in touch. You want to keep in touch with all of your team members. But you will want to have a plan for contacting your new people one on one at least for the first month. Get to know them. Know their goals. Know their dreams. Have fun!

3. Set up their monthly calendar. Help your new team member plan their first 30 days. Having a plan is one thing, but you must have action steps to go along with it. Whether it's planning home parties, or an open house, or simply sending out a "I have a new business" letter to friends and family, help your new partner plan those action steps.

4. Keep their goals in front. It's so important to have goals in this business. Write them down. Have your new team member share them. Once you have goals, plan your action steps accordingly.

5. Encourage Personal Development. This is so important. Personal development is a huge part to a successful home business. I have a great reading list for all of my new team members. It's so easy to let fear stop you in your business. The fear of rejection, the fear of failure, or even the fear of success. It's important to prepare your mind and to develop yourself into the leader you want to become.

6. Enjoy the journey of your growing team. This simply goes back to having fun! Some of my best friends have become the people I have met through my home business. And most of them live many miles away. It's important to laugh, smile and have fun with what you are doing!

BELIEVE Success!

Lisa Willard