Effective advertising on a low cost budget.
Many people begin their network marketing career with a low cost budget. So, what type of publicity can you get when funds are low and you need to keep your costs in check? The following are some ideas that you can incorporate, whether you are just beginning your network marketing business or if you are a veteran network marketer.
Submit “Letters to the Editor”. There are newspapers, magazines, online ezines and websites that accept and publish “Letters to the Editor.” In addition, webmasters are generally looking for solid testimonials that they can use on their website. Take the time to read a few publications or visit a few websites and notify the publisher of your thoughts. You could find your comments being published in all sorts of locations.
Write press releases. I have received some great exposure from these. Submit your press releases to your local and surrounding newspapers and let people know about the latest news in your network marketing business.
Check out http://www.prweb.com/. There are great tips on how to write a good PR as well as post it on their site for free.
Submit articles. There are many ezines and websites to submit your articles to. The key to writing a successful article is content. Make sure it is informative and adds value to the reader. Resource and tip oriented articles do well. Submit your articles to publishers and webmasters that you know....PLUS to article directories where publishers and webmasters go for content. Remember, just one ezine could reach thousands of potential prospects.
Blogs. Another great place to have your articles published is blogs. Search engines spider blogs more frequently than regular sites. The more your article is picked up around the net the more incoming links will show up to your sites with the SEs. This does wonders for your PR (page rank) and ultimately traffic to your website, which is what network marketing, is all about.
Join a civic group or volunteer at a local charity function. Creating an identity with your community can be very valuable. How about your team volunteering? Have signs, t-shirts, something that says who you are. Be sure to network, create visibility and have fun while you network.
Post to free classified ad websites. There are many of these, but the key is
Safelists is another avenue. Be consistent in your posting. Join 5-10 safelists
and post consistently and see what happens.
Conduct low or no cost seminars. If you share information that can bring value to others, you can then share your products and service at the conclusion of your workshop, seminar or open house. Creating relationships and bringing valuable information can get the relationship building process started.
Get involved with discussion groups and forums. Bring value and content once again to your readers. These are not meant to be blasted with ads. Find your niche and your interests and then become a “go to” person.
10. Use three lines. The most effective method of creating publicity starts with
Three lines
Your Name
Your Business Name
Your Domain Name
Use these three lines with every message, email, letter that you send out.
During your network marketing career, you never know where your next prospect might come from, so take the time to try some of these avenues. You might just find more and more traffic coming from places you never thought about.
Many people begin their network marketing career with a low cost budget. So, what type of publicity can you get when funds are low and you need to keep your costs in check? The following are some ideas that you can incorporate, whether you are just beginning your network marketing business or if you are a veteran network marketer.
Submit “Letters to the Editor”. There are newspapers, magazines, online ezines and websites that accept and publish “Letters to the Editor.” In addition, webmasters are generally looking for solid testimonials that they can use on their website. Take the time to read a few publications or visit a few websites and notify the publisher of your thoughts. You could find your comments being published in all sorts of locations.
Write press releases. I have received some great exposure from these. Submit your press releases to your local and surrounding newspapers and let people know about the latest news in your network marketing business.
Check out http://www.prweb.com/. There are great tips on how to write a good PR as well as post it on their site for free.
Submit articles. There are many ezines and websites to submit your articles to. The key to writing a successful article is content. Make sure it is informative and adds value to the reader. Resource and tip oriented articles do well. Submit your articles to publishers and webmasters that you know....PLUS to article directories where publishers and webmasters go for content. Remember, just one ezine could reach thousands of potential prospects.
Blogs. Another great place to have your articles published is blogs. Search engines spider blogs more frequently than regular sites. The more your article is picked up around the net the more incoming links will show up to your sites with the SEs. This does wonders for your PR (page rank) and ultimately traffic to your website, which is what network marketing, is all about.
Join a civic group or volunteer at a local charity function. Creating an identity with your community can be very valuable. How about your team volunteering? Have signs, t-shirts, something that says who you are. Be sure to network, create visibility and have fun while you network.
Post to free classified ad websites. There are many of these, but the key is
Safelists is another avenue. Be consistent in your posting. Join 5-10 safelists
and post consistently and see what happens.
Conduct low or no cost seminars. If you share information that can bring value to others, you can then share your products and service at the conclusion of your workshop, seminar or open house. Creating relationships and bringing valuable information can get the relationship building process started.
Get involved with discussion groups and forums. Bring value and content once again to your readers. These are not meant to be blasted with ads. Find your niche and your interests and then become a “go to” person.
10. Use three lines. The most effective method of creating publicity starts with
Three lines
Your Name
Your Business Name
Your Domain Name
Use these three lines with every message, email, letter that you send out.
During your network marketing career, you never know where your next prospect might come from, so take the time to try some of these avenues. You might just find more and more traffic coming from places you never thought about.